Friday 19 August 2022

Books - Red Moon Rising and Dirty Glory, both by Pete Grieg

 You can find out more about Pete Grieg here

The two books, both about the 24/7 world-wide prayer movement, can be found if you look on the 'books' tab.

(I haven't read either book yet, but they have been recommended)

'Red Mood Rising';

At the turn of the millennium, students in Chichester, England established a night-and-day prayer vigil in a warehouse which was to spark the modern-day 24-7 prayer movement.

Red Moon Rising is their honest, gritty story of how 24-7 began and how each of us can join in with the wonderful things God is doing in this new generation in answer to persevering prayer.

'Dirty Glory'

"A powerful, personal and honest story about life's greatest adventure from the heart and hand of a prayer warrior I love and admire." ~ Bear Grylls

Post for 20th April; Contemplating Luke 22; 35-37

copyright info; ere's the passage, from Biblegateway ; you can follow the link...