Friday 12 August 2022

Old Testament Ruth, Jonah, Daniel


Still sticking to the shorter books, but looking for a change from the Epistles. The coincided with a sermon on tracing the presence of Christ through the Old Testament, and also looking for stories in the Bible as opposed to lists of instructions, or bloodthirsty battles, or instructions for building the temple and so forth.

 When it came to reading Jonah, we were very tempted to share 'fish' recipes...

It is well worth having a good look at the map below to see exactly how far Jonah was running away from Ninevah;  

We only looked at the first Chapter of Daniel, before the 'visions' section (opportunity for vegetarian recipes...) 

It also game an opportunity to share the Children's Cantata 'Jonah Man Jazz'

Here is the poem by Vachel  Lindsay - well worth reading! 

Post for 20th April; Contemplating Luke 22; 35-37

copyright info; ere's the passage, from Biblegateway ; you can follow the link...