Monday 10 October 2022

Thursday 6th October - The Shopping Mall

This is the link to video and commentary.

I was struck by the way the ruins in Ephesus remind me of the ruins of so many cities and towns in Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan.... the list won't be comprehensive.

I haven't been inside a shopping mall for years (think Covid!). My appetite for 'materialistic culture' has been partially satisfied by on-line shopping. However there is nothing to beat going round the shops, touching the real good rather than relying on pictures and description.


Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum irreprehensibilis est. This place is made by God, inestimably sacred, irreprehensible.

When the music fades - Matt Redman

The Lord's Prayer in Swahili

Another version with words in Swahili and English


Post for 20th April; Contemplating Luke 22; 35-37

copyright info; ere's the passage, from Biblegateway ; you can follow the link...