Monday 20 February 2023

Monday 20th February - Rev Andrew Dotchin's Lent Course in Narnia

 Here's the link to all the posts, from Tuesday 21st February (Shrove Tuesday) through to Easter. There are no posts for the Sundays in Lent.

This is course from some years back, and I am pleased to have the opportunity of revisiting it!

His daily emails for Lent are going to be on The Screwtape Letters; if you are signed up for his emails, as I am, then that's what is going to be coming through. I shall probably ignore them this year, and concentrate on Mice and Marshwiggles.

I shall put a link to this page on my homescreen for easy access.   

Post for 20th April; Contemplating Luke 22; 35-37

copyright info; ere's the passage, from Biblegateway ; you can follow the link...